AstriCloud Phone Number Application

  • Applicant Name

  • Company Name

  • Number will be operated at this addresses
  • FOr Each Number we require the address. Please list down al chosen numbers by using the + sign
  • You agree to use the Service(s) provided you by AstriCloud for legal and legitimate purposes. Unlawful, improper and/or illegitimate use will be defined by AstriCloud or, any official government police agency, which notifies AstriCloud of your unlawful use of the Service it provides to you.

    You are liable for any and all content transmitted through the Service provide you by AstriCloud. You are solely liable for the content of any and all transmissions sent through AstriCloud systems as a result of your use of the Service, regardless of whether or not such content is solicited or unsolicited

    You shall not use the Service provide you by AstriCloud for transmitting obscene, fraudulent, harassing, infringing, libelous, or otherwise unethical content. Further, you shall not use the Service for distributing junk mail, chain letters, "spamming," telephonic solicitations of any kind or nature, or other such communications or content, regardless of whether or not such content is solicited or unsolicited.

    AstriCloud reserves the right to restrict termination to certain geographical regions and/or certain special services hotlines at its sole discretion. Additionally, AstriCloud reserves the right to refuse service to certain geographical regions at its sole discretion

    AstriCloud may immediately cancel your Service and repossess any and all phone number(s) associated with your account if/when your use of the Service(s) provided to you interfere in any way with AstriCloud 's ability to provide Service(s) and products to its other customers.

    Your use of the Service(s) provided you by AstriCloud subjects you to any and all federal, state, and local laws within the fifty states of the Continental United States of America and/or any and all international laws and regulations.

    Should your use of the Service(s) provided you by AstriCloud be deemed of a fraudulent, unethical, or otherwise prohibited nature, by AstriCloud, AstriCloud reserves the right to immediately close your account, terminate all Service to it, and repossess and re-assign any and all phone number(s) associated with said account, and deem forfeit any remaining balance on your AstriCloud account. AstriCloud shall not be held liable for any harm or loss you experience as a result of such actions.

    The Services may not be used to support a calling card platform of any kind.

    Foreign carriers and/or regulatory agencies may impose, upon the end-to-end international service they provide, limitations, restrictions and/or cease entirely your ability to use the Service AstriCloud provides you at anytime, without prior notice. In such case, you must conform to said limitations, restrictions and/or entire cessation of service by the foreign carriers and/or regulatory agencies

    You are not authorized to charge services provided to you to the phone number(s) assigned to you by AstriCloud and you may not request that any third-party service provider charge any such services to any number(s) provided you by AstriCloud. Any such activity will constitute just cause for AstriCloud to immediately cancel your Service and charge your credit/debit card for said charges. AstriCloud shall not be held liable for any harm, loss or damages arising from such actions.

    We may temporarily suspend and/or cancel Service to your account if you change your ring-to destination to a geographical region in which we prohibit termination. In such case, your account and phone number(s) will be disabled until your account is manually reviewed by our staff and/or cancelled entirely.

    You agree to comply with all applicable foreign and domestic laws and rules and regulations regarding the transmission of technical data exported or imported from Malaysia to your ring-to destination country. Further, you agree to hold AstriCloud harmless of any damages or liabilities, of any kind, related to your violation of US and/or International laws, rules and/or regulations while you are a customer of AstriCloud.